Functional Analysis: The Shawshank

In the Shawshank Redemption, the use of appropriate music within the scenes, aides in establishing the films ambience, atmosphere, and environment. These functions of sound have the most important, consistent, and frequently use throughout the story of the movie. They are widely used to facilitate and enhance the movies character development, mood, emotion, and tension. The “Stoic theme” in the film does wonders in introducing the Shawshank prison grounds as a dark, dreary, and unpleasant place. This casts a shadow over the prison and creates a gloomy and rather lifeless atmosphere to it, establishing a depressing environment and ambience. The second function of the soundtrack is the “hope theme”, which is often hinted at during cues within the prison. One such example of it occurs when the labouring prisoners enjoy beers on the roof, the music’s tone rises and creates a sense of freedom, or hope of it. This key point contributes to the films underlying theme of hope, and creates an optimistic ambience and unrestrained environment.
Action Emphasis and Pacing:
Throughout the Shawshank Redemption, numerous key actions throughout the film are emphasized, thanks in large part to the soundtrack. As well, various sound elements also have a grandeur effect on the films pacing, both slowing it down or speeding it up at times. One of the most noticeable instances of pacing occurs during the voiceover narrations, where the choice to use mild mannered background music, slows down the pace, making for a better setting for the narration of his story. This is evident in Brooks narration of his letter to Andy, as we hear a slow piano melody, which allows for better environment for the storytelling. Another instance of the soundtrack emphasising the actions of the story, is during Red’s bus ride out to Mexico. The music in the background is uplifting and full of hope, something that emphasizes the actually action of Red finally succeeding in allowing his hope to guide him to freedom. Furthermore, the pace of the music is intertwined with the concluding action of the story, as it takes us towards the resolution of the play.

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